#COVID #AntiCorona #FightAgainstCorona #DoctorAdvise #KhansaSeharRecipes
WELCOME to my new Video "Sabudana Recipe"
آج جو ہم رسیپی بنانے جارہے ہیں وہ #کرونا کے خلاف انسانی جسم میں قوت مدافعت پیدا کرتی ہے۔
What we are about to make today is a recipe for strength in the human body against #Corona.
یہ معدہ کو تقویت دے کر نظام انہظام کو بہتر بنانے میں مددگار ہے۔
It helps to improve the system by strengthening the stomach.
کیونکہ کرونا جس پر بھی حملہ آور ہوتا ہے، اگر اس میں قوت مدافعت ہوگی تو یہ اس پر اثر نہیں کرے گا۔
Because whichever attacker is invading, it will not affect it if the force is immune system.
اور اس طرح آپ اس موذی مرض سے بچ سکیں گے، سب کو چاہیے کہ اپنے روز مرہ کے کھانوں میں ایسی چیزوں کا استعمال لازمی کریں جو آپ کے جسم میں قوت مدافعت بڑھائیں۔
And that way you can avoid this deadly disease, everyone should use the foods in your daily diet that will boost your body's immune system.
Sago is a starch extracted from the spongy centre, or pith, of various tropical palm stems, especially those of Metroxylon sagu. It is a major staple food for the lowland peoples of New Guinea and the Moluccas, where it is called saksak, rabia and sagu. The largest supply of sago comes from Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia and Malaysia. Large quantities of sago are sent to Europe and North America for cooking purposes. It is traditionally cooked and eaten in various forms, such as rolled into balls, mixed with boiling water to form a glue-like paste (papeda), or as a pancake. Sago is often produced commercially in the form of "pearls" (small rounded starch aggregates, partly gelatinized by heating). Sago pearls can be boiled with water or milk and sugar to make a sweet sago pudding. Sago pearls are similar in appearance to the pearled starches of other origin, e.g. cassava starch (tapioca) and potato starch, and they may be used interchangeably in some dishes.
The name sago is also sometimes used for starch extracted from other sources, especially the sago cycad, Cycas revoluta. The sago cycad is also commonly known (confusingly) as the sago palm, although this is a misnomer as cycads are not palms. Extracting edible starch from the sago cycad requires special care due to the poisonous nature of cycads.Cycad sago is used for many of the same purposes as palm sago...
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